Bring new colors into your life – enroll into a Croatian course at Intellecta!
Establishing knowledge, developing skills and questioning attitudes are the most precious investment we can make for ourselves. Choose personal, social and professional growth and join Intellecta’s language family. Enroll into a Croatian course (or other language!) at our school and enrich your life with new colors!
It doesn’t matter whether you’re thinking about moving to another country, hoping to get a new job position, feeling passionate about other cultures and new languages, trying to run away from the gloominess of everyday life caused by the coronavirus pandemic or you just need a new hobby. It’s not important whether you want to spend your time with the people you think alike or you are desperate to find the time in a day to devote it just to yourself and no one else – by learning a new language or developing the language skills you already have, you will definitely not be mistaken! So maybe think about a Croatian course 🙂
Many centuries ago, at the beginning of the new era, English philosopher Francis Bacon left us a well-known saying: “Knowledge is power”.
Extraordinary Italian director Federico Fellini often said: “A different language is a different vision of life”.
Learning a new language or perfecting the language skills you already have introduces a whole spectrum of new colors into your everyday life!
Why enroll into a language course at Intellecta?
Because we are here to help build up their language skills for everyone who chooses personal and professional growth as a life goal.
We are also here to be the example and to prove that that goal can be accomplished by lifelong learning, constant investment in ourselves, by attending different workshops and courses, as well as by exploring and critical thinking.
Most importantly, we are here to use the built knowledge, developed skills and questioned attitudes and to take part in creating a society in which language barriers and all the other obstacles in life are overcome with concord, not conflict.
These are our colors. This is our mission. Join us and enrich your life with new colors.
How are we going to bring colors to Intellecta’s course?
- to begin with, choose your color from our palette of 13 languages (including Croatian for foreigners)
- choose which tempo suits you to color your language skills – we have a fast course (2 sub-levels in one semester) and classic general course (2 sub-levels in two semesters)
- choose a part of the day you want to devote just to yourself and your personal growth – you can bring the colors to your life in morning, afternoon and evening slots
- if you are trying out a new language, choose a fast course for beginners, and if you already have some language skills, solve our free online test to find out the colors of your current language competence
- choose whether you want to color in a group that has classes at school or in a group that explores the new colors online – with our wonderful teachers
Do you want to know more about learning languages at our school?
You can take a look at this overview of 8 reasons why Intellecta is the school for you!
And if you want to meet us and convince yourself that Intellecta’s colors are your new world, fill out a form and our lovely counselors for course enrollments are going to contact you to answer all of your questions or to arrange your visit to the magical world of Intellecta’s colors. You can follow us on Facebook i Instagram!
Want to find out more? Contact us!
Spare yourself a phone call and leave us your contact info – we’ll contact you as soon as possible!
Check which level of Croatian you already have

Want to keep working on your Croatian? Check which level you are, do our free online Croatian test and our professors will let you know!