Take a Croatian language course for foreigners in Zagreb and learn Croatian in small groups!
Knowing the language of the country where you live is not only a great advantage, but also cultural enrichment! Learn Croatian in Intellecta, where one class hour equals 60 minutes, and our great teachers and modern teaching methods turn language instruction into a pleasant language experience!
Choose the Croatian language course which best suits your needs!
Fast course of Croatian for foreigners
Do you want to build an enviable knowledge of a foreign language? Enroll in a fast course of Croatian for foreigners and complete 2 language degrees in 1 semester!
Individual Croatian language Course
You are interested in one-to-one language instruction adapted to your needs? Choose our individual Croatian language course!
Superintensive course of Croatian for foreigners
Enroll in a super-intensive course and complete the entire language level in just one month!
Intensive Croatian Language Course
You’re in a hurry and are available to attend Croatian classes every day? Cover an entire sub-level in only two weeks!
Want to find out more? Contact us!
Spare yourself a phone call and leave us your contact info – we’ll contact you as soon as possible!
Check which level of Croatian you already have

Want to keep working on your Croatian? Check which level you are, do our free online Croatian test and our professors will let you know!